Pet insurance cover in 5 simple Plans

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We're Happy to welcome you.

At Ceana Care, Pet Insurance is our core focus, "FUR SURE"!

Here we provide your pet the most comprehensive Pet Insurance cover in 5 simple plans.

We help you pay for unexpected costs. So if your pets have an accident or become ill, your first thoughts can be about their care, not your budget.

Ceana Care Pet Insurance products are the newest and most innovative pet medical insurance product (not a pet medical aid) in South Africa. they are designed to cover the unexpected, unforeseen and fortuitous veterinary costs that cats and dogs kept as household pets may incur as the result of illness or injury. Product  development took cognicance of the strengths and weaknesses of other policies and therefore avoids their shortcomings from day one.

Sign Up in 3 simple steps

Your Pet's Life is extremely valuable to you and to your family. Make a choice now to be prepared for unexpected Pet Care costs.

You’ll thank us later.

How our cover works?

Choose a plan for
your Pet's needs
Fill in a simple form
within 5 minutes
Sign your debit order and that is it!


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