Valuable, Budget Friendly Insurance for your Fur Kids!

We can learn so many things from a dog's behaviour. Their personality, resiliency and most importantly, their willingness to provide their family members with unconditional love, loyalty and companionship, down to their very last breath.

That is exactly who CEANA (pictured to the right) was, a gentle, loving soul who positively touched so many people’s and other dogs lives! CEANA CARE was developed after she passed away on 26 April 2021. 

CEANA'S legacy will live on in this business by providing a valuable means to help you pay for unexpected pet care costs and by providing donations, derived from a percentage of your premiums, to selected animal care organisations.

We chose Genric Insurance Company's Pet Insurance as our Insurance Product because it was designed by a registered veterinary surgeon with over 40 years’ private practice experience and a management executive with over 30 years’ experience in marketing and general management of medical assistance and insurance companies both locally and overseas. The result is a policy which benefits all the stakeholders in the pet healthcare chain. 

So thank you CEANA for being such a great example to all of us, and thank you to Genric Insurance Company for trusting us to market your product under our brand!

Talk to us about our Comprehensive Pet Insurance Cover

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Let's help you take the hassle out of completing forms. We can do this for you over the telephone.

    Available Cover/Options

    • All Accidents And Illness
    • Routine Care
    • Prescription Medications
    • Dental Cover
    • Multiple Pet Discounts
    • Prompt Claim Settlements
    • Alternative/Complementary
    • Treatments No Breed Exclusion
    • Savings Plan
    • Double Up Option
    • Boarding Fees
    • Specialist Treatments
    This is only a guide. The full terms and conditions are contained in the policy wording.

    Get updates and special offers from Ceana Care Pet Insurance

      Valuable, Budget Friendly Insurance for your Fur Kids!

      We can learn so many things from a dog's behaviour. Their personality, resiliency and most importantly, their willingness to provide their family members with unconditional love, loyalty and companionship, down to their very last breath.

      That is exactly who CEANA (pictured below) was, a gentle, loving soul who positively touched so many people’s and other dogs lives! CEANA CARE was developed after she passed away on 26 April 2021.

      CEANA'S legacy will live on in this business by providing a valuable means to help you pay for unexpected pet care costs and by providing donations, derived from a percentage of your premiums, to selected animal care organisations.

      Thank you CEANA for being such a great example to all of us!

      Talk to us about our Comprehensive Pet Insurance Cover

      Available Cover/Options

      • All Accidents And Illness
      • Routine Care
      • Prescription Medications
      • Dental Cover
      • Multiple Pet Discounts
      • Prompt Claim Settlements
      • Alternative/Complementary
      • Treatments No Breed Exclusion
      • Savings Plan
      • Double Up Option
      • Boarding Fees
      • Specialist Treatments

      This is only a guide. The full terms and conditions are contained in the policy wording.

      We will call you back

      Let's help you take the hassle out of completing forms. We can do this for you over the telephone.

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